The sum of who I am today is largely the impact of discipleship. I grew up having knowledge of the existence of God, but I was always lost in my thoughts because I did not fully understand why God would allow injustice in this world. Seeing how some could have plenty but others so little made me angry with God. This made me worried about the future and I was also not certain about life after death.

I entered the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) still battling with these thoughts and resorted to joining activities such as ‘morale’ to help take my mind off the worry. Though this did not take away the burden I felt, I kept engaging in it until my encounter with the Ghana Navigators on campus. 

Two students who were embarking on a first-year evangelism happened to meet me in my room and shared the gospel with me. I was then invited to a Bible study which I began to attend, and these Bible study times gave me a renewed perspective of life and the nature of God.

I understood that God was a person and wanted to have a relationship with human beings which was something I never imagined was possible. I began to have a desire to know God and have a personal relationship with Him. I now hold the conviction that God is my creator, and I am just like a clay in his Potter’s hands, and I cannot live a meaningful life without His leading. My desire is to live in accordance with the will of my Master and I hope that I will always grow in my faith and trust God’s leading.

Though I have not fully overcome the fear of the future, I believe that God holds the future and has promised to be with me and direct my path. This renewed sense of life and purpose gives me peace and assurance to pursue obeying God every step of the way knowing I will account for my life on earth one day. 

I share this testimony with others when I have the opportunity. By God’s grace I influence my friends greatly and I am deliberate about passing down the training I am receiving to others. I am currently being discipled by Dr. Selassie Tettedjie.

Prayer and Praise

  • Thank God for the transformation Prince has experienced.
  • Pray for Prince to experience God’s peace as he keeps trusting God with his life.
  • Pray that God will use Prince’s testimony to draw more souls to His kingdom.

By: Indome Prince, Arhin

Indome Prince, Arhin is a growing Christian and has been a member of the Ghana Navigators family since his university. He is currently a member of the Ghana Navigators Transition Ministry. He is an Actuarial Analyst and enjoys crunching numbers.


  1. Kwame Asomaning October 3, 2023 at 1:32 pm - Reply

    Wow! Very inspiring! May God continue to Bless and increase the Navigators ????????

  2. Fosu-Mensah Gabriel October 3, 2023 at 5:18 pm - Reply

    I’m blessed to be part of this great family … the zeal of knowing Him and making Him known to others. Long live Ghana Navigators.

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