What do we mean when we talk of the love of God? To what extent does God love humanity? Is our life on earth predetermined or do we have a choice for a price? What are the prices for our choices? What choices affect our eternal life with our Maker? Do we really have a choice or our choices are predetermined, and we are living like we are acting a script? These were questions that ran through my mind always, and I wish I had answers to them in just a day or two or even a year.
My quest for knowledge made me doubt my salvation until one faithful Sunday when I met Emelia Amuzu in 2022 at the ARS church KNUST chapter. Our conversation led to the same questions I’ve always had on my mind. However, her explanations made me a bit relieved of my doubt about whether I was saved or not since I was still a sinner in the church. It was through that conversation that she invited me to her hostel and introduced me to The Ghana Navigators.
Through the Navigators, I became assured of my salvation, and since then, the Navigators have become a family to me, teaching, grooming, and feeding me both physically and spiritually. Through these, I have learned, among other things: how to do my quiet time, interpret the Bible myself, live a healthy Christian life, and more importantly, know Christ for myself.
I have also learned from Emelia, that anytime I am in a dilemma about something, I should think if it glorifies God or not. I have also learned other things through the regular Bible studies, general meetings, and not to forget the annual Youth Camp. These are avenues I call places for spiritual nourishment.
I am currently going through mentoring and discipleship under the help of Uncle TJ and Ruben to grow more in Christlikeness and become a teacher of the Word of God wherever I find myself.
By: Richard Sokpor Enyam
Richard is currently a student at KNUST who is enthusiastic about knowing more about Jesus Christ. He is part of the Kumasi Navigators. His favorite verse is Ephesians 2:8-9.